Think twice before you click

What’s the first thing you learned when you were first learning to use a computer? If you think about it, the first thing you learned to do was to click things. You have to click an icon to open your email or browser. You have to click a link to go to a web page. All of us,… Read More »

Taking your eye off the ball

Any good hitter can tell you the secret to hitting is to keep your eye on the ball. If a hitter is distracted by the scoreboard, the fans, or even a sheet of paper blowing across the field, it’s not very likely he’s going to hit the ball. So it is with dangers you face on the Internet.… Read More »

What does Google know about you?

We like Gmail. We like Google Docs. We like a lot of things that Google does. Google is an innovator – they do what Microsoft used to do – create things that people like and want. Instead of creating what they want people to like and hope they want it. That being said, some really get upset because… Read More »

Run Windows XP on Windows 7 with free VMware Player

We’re going to show you how you can create a virtual Windows XP mode on your Windows 7 Home Premium computer. And another good thing, you can even run Windows XP on Windows 7 if your processor doesn’t support virtualization – and many lower-end computers do not. What you’ll need: 1. Free copy of VMware Player (requires free… Read More »