We’ve become fed up with Dictionary.com and most of the other online dictionaries. We don’t mind advertising on sites – we understand it’s necessary. But Dictionary.com seems to have taken advertising to hideous new level with multiple pop-ups, floating ads, flashing ads, video ads, talking ads and more.
If you want to look up a word without foraging through a plethora of blinking and flashing advertisement and dodging a bevy of annoying floating ads, give www.askdefine.com a try. There are no ads at all.
We don’t know how long they can survive without any ads at all, but as of today (4/19/2011) we don’t see any ads on AskDefine at all.
If you ust want to look up a word quickly without being visually assaulted with dozens of ads, give www.askdefine.com a try.You’ll find it refreshing
There are ads there now, and they are hideous. The top ad is so large that the useful dictionary form is extended off the page. Goodbye, askdefine.com – I never used yuo and never will. I don’t mind a centered banner ad but for the love of god does it have to be 800 pixels tall – and only 120 pixels wide? Horrendous
You’re right. Obnoxious. All good things must come to an end. I’ll remove the post. It was ad-free at the time we tested it.