Iowa grants gun permits to the blind

I have to admit — EB keeps me up-to-date on the bizarre things happening in our world. I’ve just about concluded that our world has gone insane and the only safe place for me is in inside a psychiatric hospital where I’d be surrounded by the few sane people left in the world. Steve Jobs once pointed out… Read More »

Google releases Chrome Apps for Your Windows Desktop

The distinction between “Apps” and desktop programs just got a little blurrier. As Windows 8 and 8.1 try to move us off the desktop into the Cloud with Windows 8 Apps, Google is trying to move us from the Cloud back to the desktop with Chrome Apps for Your Desktop. These are Google apps that run as programs… Read More »

Windows 8

TC is not a fan of Windows 8. He thinks Microsoft made a huge mistake by trying to make one operating system that works on PCs, phones, and tablets. But they’re not backing down — Windows 8.1 offers a few changes, but none are going to drastically change the way the public views Windows 8. EB likes Windows… Read More »

Just Delete Me

Let’s face it – being on the Web, in any way, is getting less and less private. Between governments spying on its citizens, to citizens willingly spying on themselves and each other (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), our once private lives are getting less and less private. And sometimes we join sites and services on a whim and give up… Read More »