The New Red Chrome Warnings on Non Secure Sites 

By | October 26, 2018
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The New Red Chrome Warnings on Non Secure Sites 

Google Chrome's Not Secure Warning

Newer versions of  Google Chrome (version 70+) show a red triangle and the words “Not secure” when you enter any information into a web form on a non-secure (non https:// ) site.

Currently,  only to avoid this warning, we are working to move our sites to secure servers even though we don’t collect any personal information.  We have thousands of pages and tens of thousands of images which all have to be reconfigured; it’s taking a lot longer than we expected. And it’s proving to be more costly to us than we ever imagined. Please note that the red warning triangle and the red “Not secure” warning only show on Chrome version 70 and newer. It does not show on Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer

Most of you have known us for two decades. You know we hold all of you in the highest regard. We would never jeopardize your safety or compromise you in any way.

We don’t collect any personal information. The forms we have on our site ask for basic information necessary only to provide you with a way to contact us, sign up for one of our newsletters, or schedule a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care session. When you purchase a product or service from us, you can be certain that all of these transactions are done entirely on secure servers.

And while we work on moving all our sites and all of our content to secure servers, we ask for your understanding and your continued trust.

The word “Secure” and  the lock symbol, do not mean a site is safe. Conversely, Chrome’s “red” warning does not a mean a site is unsafe and it does make using our site unsafe.

Many sites that distribute browser hijackers, PUPs, and/or malware, including one of the biggest bundlers / distributors of PUPs and other unwanted software, Softonic,  operate on secure servers. We think it’s wrong for Google to make sites running on non-secure seem unsafe. This new policy tends to hurt the small mom & pop sites that lack the resources or technical skills needed to move their sites to secure servers. The recent changes made by Google Chrome confuses people and leads then to wrongly believe that sites which are labeled not secure are unsafe and that sites that are labeled secure are safe.

We hope you will be patient with us as we make the changes necessary. It’s another challenge we face and you’ve been with us through many challenges. Thank you all very much for your support, patience,  trust and understanding. We’ll keep you all updated on our progress.

If you’d like to help us with a small donation, we’d very much appreciate it. Please visit this page.

3 thoughts on “The New Red Chrome Warnings on Non Secure Sites 

  1. Connie Tyler

    I noticed a while back that it said not secure but that hasn’t stopped me from being a loyal customer or friend.

  2. karen

    I have trusted you since you first started your web site! Always will. So sorry you have to go through all this baloney! I will continue to use your tips and love your “rants”! Keep up the good work!


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