The Real Reason Facebook Cracked Down On Guns (Moms, Of Course)

By | March 7, 2014

The Real Reason Facebook Cracked Down On Guns (Moms, Of Course)

New York’s top law enforcement official brought Facebook to the table to talk about getting tough on guns. But it was an increasingly powerful group of mothers that likely forced the social media giant to crack down on what some saw as an underground market for gun sales in the U.S.

Facebook announced Wednesday that it would start policing gun sales on the site, blocking minors from selling weapons and deleting any post that breaks state or federal gun laws, among other measures.

“While we’ve recently heard specific concerns from people about offers for the private sales of firearms, this is one of many areas where we face a difficult challenge balancing individuals’ desire to express themselves on our services, and recognizing that this speech may have consequences elsewhere,” the company said in a statement.

Read the rest here…

5 thoughts on “The Real Reason Facebook Cracked Down On Guns (Moms, Of Course)

  1. Muriel Schlecht

    Yes, I’ve been following this effort for a long time. If you want to know more, visit This is part of

    The petition I most recently signed was from MomsDemandAction a group of moms who took action using the mayors against illegal
    I wish I sill had the emails that this “moms demand action” group sent out. I would never have believed the depth of the promotion of gun sales within Facebook pages if these moms hadn’t done their homework. These moms scoured Facebook pages for months, and their emails contained some really shocking proof, with pictures, and copies of text, and ads…the way some of those posts and ads were worded left no doubt that some were from criminal elements. What Facebook had to say in the referenced article really soft peddles this issue as it applies to Facebook. It’s FAR worse than this article describes.

    The Mayors Against Illegal Guns is a nationally organized group, and so is the Moms Demand Action leg. Too bad only the New York law enforcement group had something to say to Facebook.

  2. Eddie S

    I’ve been a member of Facebook for years and am a licensed firearm carrier. If I ever see any illegal gun sales on Facebook, I’ll contact the Feds directly. I abhor illegal gun sales of any sort. But personally, I had never heard of guns being advertised for sale on Facebook until this action taken by the anti-gun community. Maybe it’s just in other parts of the country that they use Facebook for their activities. I can assure you here in the south, anyone attempting to do gun sales illegally will be burned over an open fire. We don’t need idiots like that making legal gun owners and purchasers look bad.

    1. infoave Post author

      We are not trying to make this a gun issue. This is not a pro-gun or anti-gun article, and we’d really appreciate leaving Conservative/Liberal, gun-haters, gun-lovers, NRA-lovers, NRA-haters out of it. Just because you claim to have never saw illegal guns on Facebook, doesn’t mean there weren’t any. I would suspect that there are a lot of pages on Facebook you are not aware of.

      This isn’t a political forum to begin with. The article was posted because we have a lot of Facebook users and it was a fact that some criminals and teenagers were buying guns illegally from people selling guns on Facebook pages. If you search you’ll find the facts behind this.

      Let’s no make this a forum for or against guns –OK?

      1. Muriel Schlecht

        Sorry TC, When I posted the link as a source of additional information to the article, I didn’t mean to start a political debate. I just happened to be aware of the particular “moms” group that brought attention to the issue as it involves Facebook and …ILLEGAL …. guns.

  3. Ken Roberts

    Your wish is my command it is your web page not mine . Have a great day


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