Attention Nostalgia Buffs! Complete Life Magazine Archive Available Online

Ad from LIFE magazine January 11, 1960
I can remember my parents and grandparents getting LIFE magazine, Look magazine, and Reader’s Digest in the mail. That was back in the heyday of magazines and looking back it’s rather sad that those iconic magazines are no longer arriving in our mail boxes. There was always a recent copy of “Look” and/or “LIFE” magazine on the coffee table. I remember looking forward to “Word Power” in “Reader’s Digest”. It helped me increase my vocabulary when I was in school so I could impress my teachers big words like sesquipedalian and schadenfreude. (They were not impressed.)
I digress…
For those who don’t remember LIFE magazine, here’s a little history: LIFE magazine began as weekly photo-news magazine founded in 1936 by Henry Luce. Henry Luce was, at the time, the publisher of Time magazine. LIFE was one of the pioneers in photojournalism. For much of the 20th century, LIFE magazine was one of America’s most popular, influential and most imitated publications.
It came to my attention this morning that Google Books has archived every single issue of Life magazine. Each archived issue of LIFE is the complete issue – including the ads. The ads are almost as fun to read as the articles and sometimes more fun. If you are one us who remember Life magazine, you’re sure to enjoy browsing through all the Life magazine archives; it’s a great way to relive history and remember how things use to be…. and what things used to cost!

LIFE magazine cover, January 9, 1950. Just 20 cents! And only $6 for 52 issues.
You can print share, print and post images included in the life magazine archive as long as it’s for personal use.
If you’re ready to take a journey down memory lane, visit the LIFE magazine archive on Google Books.
Great stuff, thank you !!! Brings back memories, mostly good, lol
Thank you, this is very interesting!