Stayin’ Alive

By | January 8, 2015
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Every time I hear the words “Stayin’ Alive” I think of the movie “Airplane” and the dance scene where a couple is dancing to the BeeGee’s Stayin’ Alive.  It makes me smile – “Airplane” is a funny movie, at least I think so.

Sometimes though, Stayin’Alive isn’t so funny – it’s really not funny if it’s you who’s trying to stay alive. It seems every year Darcy and I struggle to make it from one week to the next and when we ask for help it’s always the same people who come to help us. We try not to ask for help because it seems it’s always the same people who help us. We hope this time those of you who haven’t helped us in the past and who are able to will help us this time.

The year 2015 won’t be any easier than 2014 and the way it looks right now it may be a great deal rougher.

When some companies fall on hard times they resort to cheating or trickery to dupe loyal users into downloading malware or installing things on their computers via software bundles – trying to make that extra buck so they can stay alive.  Companies like that never win in the end – or maybe they do – the survive by constantly changing their name so they can spend all the money they made via trickery on advertising their great new company – which is just exactly like their old company – same tricks, different name. There are a lot of rich people and rich companies out there who made their money by trickery, deceit and taking advantages of peoples’ trust.

We simply can’t do that and perhaps that’s why we often struggle. For example, even after all these years, Darcy still spends hours every day making sure everyone who has written to us gets a personal reply even if the email has nothing to do with a product or service or any kind of profit. She’s been doing that since we started in back in the 1990’s and she’s still doing it today. Why? Because she thinks, as do I, that everyone who writes us deserves a personal reply. Now I’m not saying we are perfect – I’m sure we’ve missed some mail along they way, but I can say, for a fact, that almost everyone who writes to us receives a personal reply.

Our time is limited – there are only two of us -so why in the world does Darcy spend hoursevery day answering email? She does it because she treats everyone the way she would want to be treated. Darcy always keeps her cool and respects every single person who contacts or whom we work with or purchases anything from us. So whether someone supports us by being a customer or whether they just write us with a question or comment they get a polite and personal answer.

When I write a newsletter, an essay, or do a Cloudeight Direct Computer Care session – I give it my all. Darcy often thinks our Premium newsletter is too big, but as I tell her, I feel that since our subscribers are paying for it, I’m going to give them more than their money’s worth. So i throw myself into it 100% and when I’ve done my best with it and I am satisfied then for a brief time I can relax a little knowing I have given every subscriber my very best.

We try to treat people the way we would like to be treated.

Darcy and I are two very different people, perhaps that is why we have made such good business partners and friends. We both care about our subscribers and our boosters and those who visit our site. And we are both very thankful for those of you who have helped us financially – I can assure you that without your help we would not have been able to keep going – at least not in the way we have in the past.

The new year has started and each day we struggle to make ends meet, and now sadly we find ourselves asking you for your help again.

This morning, we added some new gifts to our Boosters pages, including a free copy of our newest 2014 InfoAve Premium E-book Volume 11 and a free registered version of Smileycons. We want to give all of you who help us something of value in return.

Our Boosters now have access to the following:

  • Smileycons (Full Registered Version)
  • Our 2014 InfoAve Premium E-book Volume 11 (contains all the information from all 52 issues of InfoAve Premium from October 2013 to October 2014)
  • FolderMagic (Full Registered Version)
  • $20 Discount on Cloudeight Direct Computer Repair Service Keys
  • Our 2013 InfoAve Premium E-Book Volume 10 (contains all the information from all 52 issues of InfoAve Premium from October 2012 to October 2013

All of those are freely available to our Cloudeight Boosters. And we’ll be having Boosters-only specials throughout 2015.

If you are currently a Cloudeight Booster, we want to thank you so much for your support. If you want to help us you can make an additional donation by logging into your Booster’s Account and clicking the Additional Donations page. Or if you prefer you can donate by going to our public Booster page located here.

For those who would like to help or would like to be a Cloudeight Booster, we have donation levels as low as $3.00. If just half of you who receive our newsletters would donate $3 we would never have to have a donation drive again or worry about Stayin Alive.  So please, if you can afford to help please visit this page and choose the donation level you’d like. After you have made your donation, you will have the opportunity to be a Cloudeight Booster – but that is optional and you’re under no obligation to do so.

We will never resort to trickery or deceit to keep our small business afloat. We have never tried to take advantage of any of you by over charging you – in fact we have cut our profit margins on everything we sell to make sure we give everyone a really good deal on the best software programs and the best computer services money can buy.

We’re just Stayin’ Alive and we hope you’ll help us if you can. If you can’t please accept our THANK YOU for being part  of the Cloudeight Family. If you can, we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

It’s all about Stayin’Alive – and we hope you’ll help us do that by making a donation right now.

Thank you all very much.


16 thoughts on “Stayin’ Alive

  1. Thelma

    I donated, but was unable to download SmileyCons. It said it was Malware…I know better. I do have the little Smileycon, with just the faces, that I use all the time, but I would like to have the larger version, like we had years ago, with many more figures etc. Is that one still available? If so, how would I get it? Thanks TK

    1. infoave Post author

      I don’t know what antivirus you’re running, Thelma, but it’s a false-positive. I know Emsisoft does not find anything wrong with it. The one on the boosters pages is the full, complete version and allows you download and install additional smileycons packs.

      Thanks so much for your donation and your long-time support.

  2. DB

    How do I send you a donation via mail? It will be a small donation but every dollar counts. I do not shop or send money via Internet. I enjoy your emails and they have a lot of important and useful information. Thanks for all of your work. DB

    1. infoave Post author

      Hi…I’ve answered you personally via email. But for those who are interested our mailing address is :

      Cloudeight Internet
      PO Box 73
      Middleville, Michigan USA 49333

      Thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness 🙂

  3. Carolyn

    HELP HELP! I followed your instructions, went through your link to Paypal and made a donation. I was sent back to the page that says click here to become a Booster…..but could never get that next page to open. It’s like I was just stuck with the little circle going round and round thinking and thinking. What shall I do now???

  4. Polly

    I have made a donation and I’ll make another in a couple of months. I think I have all the gifts you’re offering so I’ll just say Thank you for all the help you’ve given me over the years. May this year be a good one for you.

    1. infoave Post author

      Thank you so much Polly. We wish you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and peaceful 2015.

  5. HOlly H C

    I just sent a ‘Gift’ to you and thanks for the offer of free things but all I need is you two to just be there 🙂

  6. Annie

    Hi Darcy and TC, I have made another small gift to you just to show my gratitude for all that you have done for so many over the last 10 + years – including me 😉
    I really appreciate the information, advice, help and guidance, you freely give. It’s a shame there aren’t more people like you two in this world! You are treasures :))
    Thank you both, and best wishes to you and yours.
    Kind regards, from Annie in Perth, Western Australia 8~)

  7. Cleste Hall

    I bought a Gold donation ($25) just now, with the intention of joining the Booster Club; however, due to my macular degeneration I noticed, too late, that I had put it in the place for regular donations. I would like to sign up for the Booster Club if it’s not too late.

  8. Virgilyn

    I followed your instructions and made a small donation . I also wanted to become a booster, but my computer acted up and I lost the page. How do I get back so I can finish?

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks very much. We have answered you privately via email.

  9. Barbara Dolezal

    I’m glad to be able to help out a little more and, I just love ” STAYIN’ ALIVE.” It makes me smile, too!

  10. Ruth Van Horne

    I sent you another small donation…….only wish I could send more!! I was so interested to read that you’ve been on the Web/Internet/Cloud since around 1995……….I first registered on the WWW in 1990 via CompuServe. Many years ago, before you two knew me to be an honest customer I was reprimanded for sending my Smileycon password to Norton because they had told me your products were malicious. Thankfully, I was able to convince you it had been done in honesty and you reinstated me……….LOL. I’ve been “with” you ever since. Needless to say I have not been a Norton customer for many years………Emsisoft is the best one yet!! Sure hope 2015 is a bit easier for you. I will continue to give small donations when I’m able……..I am a Booster. All the best.


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