Ten Email Etiquette Tips for you

1. Never type in all caps. Typing in all caps is considered yelling. Besides being considered screaming or yelling, studies show that email typed in all caps takes longer to read (really!) 2. Sending the same email to a group of people is seldom necessary. However, if you do find it necessary to send an email to a… Read More »

RSTRUI – Six letters you’ll learn to love

RSTRUI – Six letters you’ll learn to love Here’s a tip you won’t remember until you need it. But this little tip can pull you out of some serious problems. There are several new rogue security programs on the Web, and they all follow the same M.O. First you see a warning that looks for all the world… Read More »

Using Jump Lists in Windows 7

Jump Lists are a feature exclusive to Windows 7. Jump Lists are handy because they show recently used files for an application or tasks related to that application, and let you access them quickly. Jump Lists can be accessed by right-clicking on an application’s icon in the Windows 7 task bar.