Keep Your Eye On the Ball

Any good hitter can tell you the secret to hitting is to keep your eye on the ball. If a hitter is distracted by the scoreboard, the fans, or even a sheet of paper blowing across the field, it’s not very likely he’s going to hit the ball. So it is with dangers you face on the Internet.… Read More »

New Cloudeight Easter Stationery

Hoppy Easter Our newest Cloudeight stationery collection Our newest Cloudeight stationery collection, “Hoppy Easter”, is a fun Easter collection that features unique and colorful Easter-themed stationery designs. Our new collection features a variety of designs, so you’re sure to find exactly the right stationery for all of those special emails you’ll be sending for Easter. Because this collection… Read More »

There Is More Starting Up With Windows Than You Think

Most of you know by now that one of the ways to keep your shutdown and startup times faster is by preventing unnecessary programs from starting with Windows. You don’t need things like printer monitoring software, chat programs, image editors/viewers, browsers, Adobe reader, email programs, etc. starting up with Windows. The more programs you have starting with Windows… Read More »